Утром 29 декабря на трассе в Калманском районе автомобиль «Ниссан Кашкай» на встречке столкнулся с «Хендай Соната». В результате ДТП погибли два человека. Еще четверо госпитализированы в больницу в травмами.
The main conceptual idea of the text is to report on a fatal car accident that occurred in Altai Krai, Russia.
The article details that two people died and four others were injured in a head-on collision between a Nissan Qashqai and a Hyundai Sonata.
It also mentions that the driver of the Nissan crossed onto the wrong side of the road, leading to the crash. The article concludes by stating that the police are investigating the accident to determine the exact circumstances and the identities of all involved parties.
The main conceptual idea of the text is to report on a fatal car accident that occurred in Altai Krai, Russia. The article details that two people died and four others were injured in a head-on collision between a Nissan Qashqai and a Hyundai Sonata. It also mentions that the driver of the Nissan crossed onto the wrong side of the road, leading to the crash. The article concludes by stating that the police are investigating the accident to determine the exact circumstances and the identities of all involved parties.